Organisational Culture for a Thriving Workplace

Organisational Culture Consulting

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”

- Alan Watts



What we do

We work with organisations to help them build better workplaces by creating, embedding and maintaining a positive organisational culture.  

Who we work with 

Organisations seeking to clarify their vision, create change, challenge their status quo, and create a great place to work.

How consultancy can help you

Culture underpins and infiltrates all areas of a business and working life but it’s easy to get bogged down in day-to-day activities without pausing to look at the bigger picture.

We will help you to take the key steps to create and maintain a positive culture by:

  • defining and understanding the culture you want to create; 

  • enabling contribution from across the business and promoting behaviour change; and

  • strengthening the connection between culture and business operations.

How it works

All challenges are different, so we give each one the unique attention it deserves. A typical consulting engagement would involve:

  • clarification of objectives; 

  • challenges to the status quo;

  • development and implementation of initiatives; and

  • ongoing maintenance and adaptation as necessary.

We work with you at your offices or remotely, but always in a collaborative way.

Find out more

To find out more contact Debbie Androlia.