Learn to Engage Positively with Negotiation and Conflict

Negotiation and Conflict

“If anyone is not willing to accept your point of view, try to see their point of view.”

- Lebanese Proverb


What we do

We help you to engage more effectively in difficult conversations, negotiation and conflict.

You will learn to devise negotiation strategies to best meet your needs.  Whether that is dealing with difficult people at home or at work, finding the courage to ask for a salary increase or knowing how to manage your emotions in conflict situations, working with us will help you remove barriers which might be standing in your way, enabling you to identify your real objectives and think creatively about all possible solutions.

Who we work with

  • Organisations and individuals who want to develop better negotiation strategies;

  • Organisations and individuals who want to manage conflict more effectively and avoid litigation;

  • Organisations or individuals preparing for mediation;

  • Law firms and in-house lawyers who want to understand how emotion and behaviour impact dispute resolution.

How negotiation and conflict coaching can help you

It’s difficult to make decisions under uncertainty and in stressful situations.  We will help you to identify your blind spots and develop techniques to navigate around ingrained behaviours and attitudes. 

You will learn transferable skills about your default negotiating style and how to adapt that style to changing information and circumstances.

How it works

Following an introductory meeting we will propose a tailored programme of coaching sessions. Programmes are usually between 3 to 6 sessions of 1 hour each, with the number dependent on the nature of your negotiation or conflict and any time considerations.

Find out more

To find out more contact Graeme Gregory, or book a complimentary introductory session here.