Personal and Professional Development Coaching

Personal and Professional Development

“The future depends on what you do today.”

- Mahatma Gandhi


What is personal and professional development coaching?

Coaching is an opportunity to look forward, challenge yourself, widen your perspective and take ownership of discovering and reaching your own goals and potential.

As coaches we will challenge you to define and move towards your personal and professional objectives, supporting you on your journey.  The coaching relationship is one of equal partners with no sense of hierarchy.  

Who we work with

  • Mid-career professionals who want to explore and maximise their future leadership potential;

  • Leaders who want to develop skills to inspire their teams;

  • Those seeking a change of direction, or searching for a new challenge;

  • Those who feel stuck in a rut and want to make a change, even if they are uncertain of what that change could be.

How coaching can help you

  • Creatively explore your future opportunities and potential, being supported but also challenged to see other perspectives and possibilities;

  • Find your voice and purpose;

  • Learn behaviour change techniques for better decision making;

  • Learn to be accountable to yourself whilst making positive changes to clarify and reach your goals;

  • Increase your self-awareness.

How it works

Coaching is usually most effective over a course of up to eight sessions, although we offer flexible options depending on your needs.  Each session lasts for 55 minutes and can take place in person (by arrangement) or via Zoom.  The coaching relationship always begins with a complimentary 30 minute introductory call where you can learn more about our approach and we can propose a structure which best suits you.

Find out more

To find out more contact Debbie Androlia, or book a complimentary introductory session here.